Our replica grocery bags are durable and make a functional desk accessory. Sized to hold pens, pencils, candies etc. 500-piece minimum.
- Size: 2.75"L x 2"W x 4.5"H
- Personalization includes text and graphic
- Bag color and customization available in more than 100 colors
- Artwork/Personalization:
- The artistic team at Hillary's can create artwork for you. A template also is available for you to create your own.
- Production-ready format: EPS with text converted to outlines (curves)
- Art can be sent by email to Include your company name and order number in the subject line.
Pricing for this product varies by:
- artwork development that may be required
- the number of colors used for personalization (full-color, spot color, B/W)
- the number of units ordered
- presentation packaging
Call (800-742-6800) or email ( to begin customizing this product for your next special occasion.